Monday, November 12, 2007

Turk-Out, Halloween, Family and Friends

Friday night SaeRae stopped by for a glass... okay bottle... of wine and some time with her God Dog. Then we had Keith & Zoe and Shaun & Erin over for an impromptu night of fun.

Saturday morning Mike and I made apple dumplings for the Turk Out and cupcakes for the Halloween Party. We headed to Winston for Jeremiah and Erin's annual Turk-Out. We got to see Mike Cline- highlight of the trip- and had some yummy fried turkey.

After the turk out we headed home for dinner with Mom and Dad, Pop, Kerry and Brad. LuLu Belle got to play with her cousins and we had a blast! Mom made steak and chicken and baked potatoes for dinner and Dad made the Pina Colodas... tasty!

After dinner we headed to Christy Sayre's Halloween bash... SO much fun! (Who else gets to go to a Thanksgiving and Halloween party in the same day!?!?) I raided Mom and Dad's attic and we created our own costumes :)

Mom and Dad came to pick us up at about 1:00 am... yes, they must really love us to come pick us up from a party at 1:00 am... then I talked Mom's ear off until she snuck off to bed... hehehe
The hunter and the Killer Bee

Mike says " I feel like this picture has happened before"

This is something that we would've done in high school... so good to see old friends!!

I love these girls!!

Flip Cup Tourney

Mr. and Mrs. Sayre

What a GREAT night!!

Sunday morning was brunch and hot tub time with the fam. Kerry and Brad ran a half marathon- CRAZIES! I've tried to talk Mike into a 5K... we've decided running isn't our thing, but we'll be there for the celebration afterwards!

We watched football all afternoon (by that I mean slept on the couch and hung out with Pop) and headed back home.

Seriously, the most fun-filled weekend we've had in a while!!

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